Friday, August 1, 2008

Lots of Bikin' Today

I got up at eleven o'clock, way later than I had planned, I wanted to get a good ride in early in the morning. So I went out into the kitchen and ate a half a banana, filled up my water bottle, and headed out the door. I pumped up my tires and headed out for kristian's. It was a long ride and very hilly, I got paint on my tire from the freshly painted road. Once I arrived I quietly opened the door to the garage and then, just as carefully, opened the door to the house hoping I could sneak up on kristian and scare him. It turned out that he wasn't home... So I hung out with Carl and Cooper for a bit and watched them play halo. Bummed but feeling slightly more rested, I headed back home a different way from the way I came. There was one big big hill but the rest of the way home was almost all downhill or flat. On the way back I stopped at chris's, to ask if he wanted to go for a ride. He said he was watching a movie and would call me later when he was available. It was about two o'clock now and I decided to go back home to refill my water bottle. Fifteen minutes later I was back out the door and riding around Dyrden. I stopped by the park to see who was there, one of my friends, Shelby, was there. We wandered around for a bit, over towards the baseball field and talked. I heard the Ice cream truck and decided to chase it down. when I finally caught up to it I bought two "Bomb Pops", a dollar each, one for me and one for her. We decided to go back to the park. We arrived hands covered in sticky juices from the pops when my phone rang. It was chris and he asked if I wanted to go to Todis to get pizza. Chris and I only had about eight dollars between the two of us so we decided to find another person to split the pizza with. We went all around Dryden to about five of our friends' houses none of which were home except one who was... well we decided he was constipated. LOL This was after waiting for him to come out of the bathroom for about thirty minutes. So we decided that we wouldnt get a pizza instead we'd just get s few slices, two each. After eating we rode back to chris's feeling very stuffed to wait for Andrew to arrive. We played some XBox and then went out, Chris, Andrew, and I, to see if our constipated friend was available yet. We got to his house and rang the doorbell. His mom came and told us he was feeling... sick... Realizing that finding anyone else in Dryden was a lost cause we rode our bikes to my house to go swimming for about three hours. By the time we were finished swimming the entire deck was soaked from all of the cannonballs and other high splash factor jumps. After all that swimming we were feeling very hungry again and decided to go back to chris's so he could mow the lawn and get some money for food, and so Andrew could call his dad who was in town and was able to stop by to give him his allowance. Now that we had a sufficient amount of money, we went back to Todis and this time ordered a large pizza with buffalo chicken. We ate the pizza in record time and were soon out of the pizza shop and back on our bikes to head for my house. We sat out by the pool and talked and told stories for a good three hours, and it was nearing eleven o'clock. My mother came home and thinking it would be hard to explain why we were sitting by the pool in the dark just talking I told them they should probably head out so that I could get into my room before my mom got in the house. My mom came in shortly after I did and I walked out of my room textbook in hand and said "Welcome home mom". It was a great day. :p


No time, I might watch some TV now but I'm far too tired to play WoW.

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