Thursday, July 31, 2008


I woke up this morning and found my mom out of the house, which is always a good thing. So I got up in my PJs and had a bowl of cheerios with molasses. I went back into my room and watched the office for I don't know, maybe 7 hours? I got through the second have of the 3rd season and watched the first episode of the 4th. After that I got on WoW and played for a bit. Chris and I biked around for a bit and then played some XBox at his house. Then I came home and played more WoW... So exciting I know...

I played today as usual. Nothing interesting, I found out my friend KW likes Mute Math and Royksopp, and a few other bands I like. That was fun I guess.

Hokay, so I did all my dailies in the morning and made like 260g? Then I got off to go biking. When I got back on I was hoping to do BM with Sharya, Anaera, and a few others. Little did I know you have to save thrall in OHB to be able to enter BM. Grr thats the second time I've made the trip to CoT without getting to do an instance. And for that run I respecced holy, and never got to make use of it. So I went and respecced discipline after hearthing out, and specced for disc/blessed recovery. I did some bgs and won 3 ABs in a row all 5caps! wewt wewt. The highlight of the night was when their whole team rushed BS and me, another disc priest, a warlock and a druid held down the fort for a good 5 minutes until some teammates came to help. The battle raged for 10 minutes just in that one encounter. We won by wiping out their whole team, and I didn't die once the whole fight. So yeah... How did I not think being invincible and a huge asset to me team woluld be the most fun ever?... we may never know... But I'm loving it...

Long post today, Im tired and it's time to hit the sack. Peace out.

The colors... are... fun...

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