Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Feat of Strength!

Today, I biked 34 Miles pushed my bike up a 3000 ft mountain and rode down it. werd up.

So I got up and biked to kristians. 3 miles. I got him up and we ate breakfast, then we biked back into Dryden. 6 miles. We headed over to chris's to get him and then got started on the long long ride to Greek Peak. It was essentially the same the whole way, very boring. We drank lots of water and took breaks along the way. When we arrived, 20 miles, we rolled to a stop in front of a sign that read "No Trespassing" so we waited and thought about it for a bit. Eventually some weird guy pulled up in a compact and we were like "what is the meaning of this?" and he was like "blah blah blah talk to some people in a cabin blah blah" so we bicycled over to this cabin and went inside. There was nobody at the front desk so we waited a bit. No one came. So we went back to greek peak thinking, he'll think we asked and got permission. We got 50 feet up only to realize kristian had left the backpack at the cabin. Doh! and he wouldn't go back to get it alone so chris went with him. When they got back we got started crossing over to Alcamine. I picked Alcamine to hike because it was straight and had good tree cover, also it would put us in a good spot at the top. We got to alcamine and started the seemingly endless climb to the top. Stopping frequently along the way we made it over the first hump and then the second. By this time we were unimaginably exhausted and were takeing 5 steps and then a 5 minute break. The home stretch was unbearable long and insanely steep and we were barely able to stand up after each short burst of climbing. When we made it to the top a glorious breeze started to blow and Kristian shouted something like, "Sweet Jesus!". And it was the best breeze ever. 3000 ft with a bike in tow. We rode over to a cliff I know of that overlooks the valley. On the cliff we ate our PB no J sandwiches and drank sodas and had other orgasmic foods. aka chips. The ride down the mountain took 10 minutes and was superfantastic with weapons! and the ride back home was short and easy, almost ALL downhill and the last 2 miles were pedal free. :D 34 miles. We stopped at greg's on the way home to see if he was back from canada yet. Kristian kept riding for more than a mile before looking back and realizing we had stopped. He didn't find us ever and went home with my backpack. idk why he didn't think to go to... umm.... my house? LOL. Chris and I went swimming for a bit, well not really swimming more like soaking. And then we went to subway where I got a sweet onion chicken with like about 6 sauces. yummmmm.... : )

Practice is what I do everyday so it goes without saying.

No time, I was out like a light when I got home.

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